Understand The Employee Stock Option Program (ESOP) for Start-Up Companies
The Employee Stock Option Program (ESOP) can be used as a strategy to retain loyalty for key employees. This is used by listed companies...
HR Chatbot: Innovation in Employee Service Delivery in New Normal
WHO has declared that COVID-19 is confirmed as airborne and remain 8 hours in air. Working indoor without distancing can be risky. Many...
What is The Role of CFO in Digital Transformation?
PT Davehunt International (TRANSEARCH) was invited by ICMA (Institute of Certified Management Accountants) to share with CFO, Head of...
Fenomena Talenta “Overpaid” di Ekosistem Startup Teknologi Indonesia
Ada beberapa faktor yang dapat menjustifikasi besarnya harga talenta digital:
Research: How One Bad Employee Can Corrupt a Whole Team
source: Harvard Business Review "One bad apple," the saying goes, "can ruin the bunch." So, too, with employees. Our research on the...